My Contributions to the entropy.fi website in 2024
I am active developer for Entropy ry's Tunkki repository, which powers the entropy.fi website, I've made 307 commits throughout 2024 that have enhanced the functionality, performance, and user experience of the system. In this post, I'll highlight some of the most significant improvements I implemented during the year.
Framework and Technology Updates
One of my primary focuses in 2024 was again keeping the Entropy.fi website technologically current:
- Started the year with Symfony 6.4 and upgraded to Symfony 7.2 in November, ensuring the platform benefits from the latest security patches, performance improvements, and features
- Added support for PHP 8.4, preparing the system for future compatibility
- Updated to Doctrine ORM 3, providing improved database interaction capabilities
- Migrated from Webpack to Symfony Asset Mapper, significantly improving our build process and runtime performance for assets
- Implemented Rector for automated code refactoring and modernization, helping maintain code quality across the codebase
UI Enhancements
I made several significant UI improvements to enhance the platform's visual appeal and user experience:
- Improved UI rounding throughout the interface for a more modern and consistent appearance across all components
- Enhanced event page navigation options to make moving between different sections of the event more intuitive
- Added loading animations and fade effects for the epics system, providing smoother transitions when browsing through event photos and information
- Improved responsive layouts to ensure better compatibility across mobile and desktop devices
Ticket System Enhancements
A major focus of my work was improving our ticket management system:
- Enhanced the ticket presale system with configurable start and end times
- Updated the ticket presale functionality to work with datetime_immutable types (Migration Version20241017151808)
- Improved the ticket shop interface with clearer information about presale status and deadlines
- Added better display of presale end times in the user interface, with proper localization
- Enhanced the ticket reservation process and expiration handling
- Improved integration with the Nakkikone (volunteer task) system for events where volunteer work is required for ticket purchase
Event Management Improvements
I significantly enhanced our event management capabilities:
- Updated the happening system inside events, allowing for more intuitive control over sub-events within a main event
- Deprecated special E30V event templates (originally created for Entropy's 30th anniversary event which was in February 2024) to simplify the overall system
- Improved event search functionality with the ability to include stream events in search results
- Implemented automatic RSVP email sending when configured for an event
- Added proper Telegram integration for events with direct linking to the appropriate event pages
Artist Management System
I developed several features to improve artist management:
- Created comprehensive artist signup editing and deletion functionality, giving artists more flexibility to manage their own event participation
- Improved the artist information management system with better multilingual support
- Enhanced the artist profile display with more consistent styling
System Architecture Improvements
Throughout the year, I made several architectural improvements to the Entropy.fi website:
- Optimized database queries and lowered DB minor version update requirements for better compatibility
- Refactored core components for improved maintainability and performance
- Enhanced error handling and logging across various system components
- Implemented more consistent code styling and structural improvements
- Removed deprecated code and templates to simplify the system
Looking Forward
As we move into the remainder of 2025, I plan to continue improving the Entropy.fi website with a focus on user experience enhancements, performance optimizations, and adding new features that benefit the Entropy ry community.
These contributions represent just a portion of the 307 commits I made to the Tunkki repository throughout 2024, demonstrating my ongoing commitment to maintaining and enhancing this valuable platform for our organization.